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Tetris Clone

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This is a simple tetris clone written in C++. The project works with either SFML or SDL. It is a work in progress.


This project requires either SFML or SDL2 to build. CMake will preferentially select SFML. If it cannot locate SFML, it will use SDL2.

The project also uses the boost-filesystem library, which in turn uses boost-system. On linux, simply install libboost-filesystem-dev, which will pickup boost-system as a dependency. Windows requires building and installing Boost manually.

Additional SDL2 Libraries

In addition to the main SDL2 development library, the following libraries are also required: SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, SDL2_ttf.


The project uses CMake to build and install. As of this writing, the following commands build the project:

mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

The resulting binary will be located in build/bin.


The following is a list of action items

  • Refactor TetrominoFactory
  • Refactor rest of code that uses C so that it is more C++
  • Unit tests with CppUTest