🌱 I'm currently looking for... grow professional and personly.
🎓 I'm currently studiying... Application developer degree.
📚 Extra training
- BootCamp Full Stack developer. Java, Spring, Hibernate, JUnit,JavaScript, React, Git.
- Universidad Java 2021, Udemy.
- Universidad Python. 2020. Udemy.
- Javascript. 2020. Udemy
💓 I'm love...
- 👪 The Family.
- ✍ Write code.
- 🎸 Play the guitar
- 🌼 Enjoy nature.
- 🍄 Collect mushrooms.
- ❓ Solve problems.
- 🛠️ Repair any broken thing.
- 💧 Water control equipment.
📖 I'm currently learning... Java, Spring Boot, Python, JavaScript, React, Docker, IA.
🏁 2021 goals:
- ✔ Get a job as developer.
- ✔ Learn at a good level in Java and Python.
- ✔ Finish web development degree.
- Microservicios - Spring Boot, Cloud, Config, Eureka, Gateway, Resilience4J, Zipkin y Sleuth
- CRUD Spring MVC
- CRUD Python, React y Mongodb
- Buscador de Gifs Divierte buscando tus gifs favoritos.
- Frases Breaking Bad Conexion API Breaking Bad
- ToDoApp. Gestor de tareas.