- ASCII art
- Display weather information
- The name of the location.
- Temperature (and what the temperature feels like).
- Weather and weather description.
- Wind pressure, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed.
- Time and timezone of the location.
- OpenWeatherMap API key
- Python 3.10 or higher
- requests
- rich
- Internet connection
pip install pwy
Download the latest pwy package here and uncompress it. Go to pwy directory.
cd pwy
Install pwy.
pip install .
Before you can use pwy, you need to configure pwy. Run the command below and fill the required files, these fields are for the OWM API key, location, unit, and language.
After you're through, the pwy.json
for Unix-like and pwy.json
for Windows) config file, containing your OWM API key, location, unit, and language, will be generated.
Get your OWM key by signing up.
If you want to edit your pwy configuration.
pwy --config
To display weather in your current city (from pwy.json).
To display weather in your current city.
pwy tokyo
You can also specify what country you are in by.
pwy tokyo,jp
To display weather with specific unit of measurement. By default the unit is Metric system.
pwy tokyo --unit imperial
To display weather with specific language.
pwy tokyo --lang ja
To display help information.
pwy --help
usage: __main__.py [-h] [-c] [-u] [-l] [-v] [location ...]
pwy - A simple weather information tool
positional arguments:
location input location
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --config configure pwy
-u, --unit input unit
-l, --lang input language
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
pip install --upgrade pwy
# Create a virtual environment and enable it.
python3 -m venv
. env/bin/activate
# Install dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
View Changelog.
- pwy Contributors
- OpenWeatherMap - API
- wego - ASCII art
This program is provided under the MIT License.