The Toolbox is a catch all for my miscellaneous functions.
- Active Directory
- Test-ADComputer - Returns online/offline status of AD computers.
- Update-UPN - Updates the UserPrincipleName for a selection of AD users.
- Desired State Configuration
- Compile-DSCConfiguration - Compiles your DSC configuration MOFs and copies them to your pull server.
- Exchange
- Remove-AutoMapping - Removes automapped Exchange 2013 mailboxes from Outlook while preserving the underlying access rights.
- Utilities
- Get-FreeSpace - Displays available free space on local and remote computers.
- Get-LastUpdate - Gets the last update installed on a computer.
- Get-LoggedOnUser - Gets the current logged on user account.
- Get-PublicIP - A simple function that returns your public IP.
- Get-SysInfo - Gathers local and/or remote system information.
- New-Password - Generates a random password using ASCII printable characters.
- Test-Service - Tests and corrects the status of a service.
- Update-ComputerDescription - Updates the description of specified remote computers.
- VMware
- Create-VM - Creates a VMware virtual machine based on environment specific values.
- Map-Datastore - Maps a VMware datastore to a PSDrive.
- Upgrade-VM - Upgrades a VM's hardware version and/or VM Tools if needed.