This is a summary of openly available implementations (software deliverables) created in the Accumulate project at CLiPS.
- clinspell: Clinical spelling correction with word and character n-gram embeddings
yarn: Disambiguating biomedical and clinical concepts with word embeddings
conch: Extracting medical concepts and terminology from patient records, and linking them to UMLS CUI
- RDOC challenge: Psychiatric symptom severity identification. (Joint work with UZA)
- clicr: Machine reading and question answering on clinical case reports
- memory-networks: Memory networks for medical machine reading
- relex: Relation extraction between problem, treatment and test mentions in clinical notes with background knowledge integration.
Representation Learning: Unsupervised representation learning. which is capable of learning patient representations for end tasks like mortality prediction, and diagnosis and procedural identification (Joint work with UZA).
Interpret RNNs: Rule-based explanations of LSTM and GRU classifiers for sepsis classification.
Walter Daelemans, Pieter Fivez, Simon Šuster, Stéphan Tulkens, Madhumita Sushil
See individual repositories.