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daveho edited this page Mar 5, 2013 · 4 revisions

Upgrading CloudCoder to the most recent version is easy! As long as you are running v0.0.5 or later, here is the procedure.

Upgrading the webapp

Log into the cloud account on the webapp server, change directory to the webapp directory in the cloud user's home directory, and run the ls command. Make a note of the most recent version of the webapp jar file. For example, if you are running version 0.0.5, you will see a file called cloudcoderApp-v0.0.5.jar.

Next run the following command:

java -jar cloudcoderApp-vXXX.jar upgrade

Substitute the current version (e.g., 0.0.5) in place of XXX. The upgrade command will check to see if a more recent version of CloudCoder is available. If not, it will print the message

This jar file is already at the latest version

If a more recent version is available, the command will download the more recent jar file and copy all of the required configuration information from the old jar file to the new one. If everything is successful, you will see a message of the form

Success! Upgraded jar file is cloudcoderApp-vYYY.jar

where YYY is the most recent version. You should then run the following commands to shut down the previous version, migrate the database schema (if necessary), start the new version:

java -jar cloudcoderApp-vXXX.jar shutdown
java -jar cloudcoderApp-vYYY.jar migratedb
java -jar cloudcoderApp-vYYY.jar start

Replace XXX with the old version and YYY with the new version.

Upgrading the builder

Upgrading the builder is very similar to upgrading the webapp. Log into the cloud account on the build server, and then change directory to the builder subdirectory of the cloud user's home directory. Run the ls command and make a note of the current version. Then run the following commands, replacing XXX with the current builder version:

java -jar cloudcoderBuilder-vXXX.jar upgrade

If a more recent version is available and the upgrade command succeeds, you will see a message of the form

Success! Upgraded jar file is cloudcoderBuilder-vYYY.jar

where YYY is the latest version. Shut down the old builder and start the new one by running the following commands:

java -jar cloudcoderBuilder-vXXX.jar shutdown
java -jar cloudcoderBuilder-vYYY.jar start

substituting the old version for XXX an the new version for YYY.




For more info (demo server, exercise repository, contributing to cloudcoder, etc):

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