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daveho edited this page Dec 26, 2012 · 2 revisions

Some tasks, such as creating courses, have not yet been incorporated into the CloudCoder webapp. These "administrative commands" require you to log into the webapp server and run the command from the command line.

Logging in

Use ssh to log into the webapp server. Either log into the cloud account directly, or log into an account that can execute the sudo command. For example, if you installed the webapp on an EC2 server, you might use a command like

ssh -i keyfile ubuntu@hostname

where keyfile is the file containing your key pair, and hostname is the hostname of the server.

Once logged in: if you didn't log into the cloud account directly, switch to the cloud account:

sudo su cloud

Once you are running as the cloud user, change directory to the directory containing the web application jar file. For example, if you used the Bootstrap script, use the command:

cd /home/cloud/webapp

Running the command

Now you can use the webapp jar file to run the administrative command:

java -jar cloudcoderApp-vX.Y.Z.jar commandname

(X.Y.Z refers to the CloudCoder version number. You can use the ls command to see which version jar file you have.)

You will replace commandname with the name of the command you want to run.




For more info (demo server, exercise repository, contributing to cloudcoder, etc):

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