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Release Process

This repo contains two helm charts: cloudnative-pg and cluster. Both the charts are available through a single repository, but should be released separately as their versioning might be unlinked, and the latter depends on the former.

IMPORTANT we should run the below procedures against the latest point release of the CloudNativePG operator. I.e. even if we have several release branches in CNPG, we will only target the most advanced point release (e.g. 1.17.1)


  1. Releasing the cloudnative-pg chart
  2. Releasing cluster chart

Releasing the cloudnative-pg chart

In order to create a new release of the cloudnative-pg chart, follow these steps:

  1. Take note of the current value of the release: see .version in charts/cloudnative-pg/Chart.yaml
    OLD_VERSION=$(yq -r '.version' charts/cloudnative-pg/Chart.yaml)
    OLD_CNPG_VERSION=$(yq -r '.appVersion' charts/cloudnative-pg/Chart.yaml)
    echo $OLD_VERSION
  2. Decide which version to create, depending on the kind of jump of the CloudNativePG release, following semver semantics. For this document, let's call it X.Y.Z
  3. Create a branch named release/cloudnative-pg-vX.Y.Z and switch to it:
    git switch --create release/cloudnative-pg-v$NEW_VERSION
  4. Update the .version in the Chart.yaml file to "X.Y.Z"
    sed -i -E "s/^version: \"([0-9]+.?)+\"/version: \"$NEW_VERSION\"/" charts/cloudnative-pg/Chart.yaml
  5. Update everything else as required, e.g. if releasing due to a new cloudnative-pg version being released, you might want to:
    1. Find the latest cloudnative-pg version by running:

      NEW_CNPG_VERSION=$(curl  "" | jq -r '.[0].name | ltrimstr("v")')
      echo $NEW_CNPG_VERSION
    2. Update .appVersion in the Chart.yaml file

      sed -i -E "s/^appVersion: \"([0-9]+.?)+\"/appVersion: \"$NEW_CNPG_VERSION\"/" charts/cloudnative-pg/Chart.yaml
    3. Update crds.yaml, which can be built using kustomize from the cloudnative-pg repo using kustomize remoteBuild running:

      Verify the version is correct. Edit it if incorrect, then run:

      echo '{{- if .Values.crds.create }}' > ./charts/cloudnative-pg/templates/crds/crds.yaml
      kustomize build\?ref\=v$NEW_CNPG_VERSION >> ./charts/cloudnative-pg/templates/crds/crds.yaml
      echo '{{- end }}' >> ./charts/cloudnative-pg/templates/crds/crds.yaml
    4. To update the files in the templates directory, you can diff the previous CNPG release yaml against the new one, to find what should be updated (e.g.

      vimdiff \
          "${OLD_CNPG_VERSION}/cnpg-${OLD_CNPG_VERSION}.yaml" \

      Or from the cloudnative-pg repo, with the desired release branch checked out:

      vimdiff releases/cnpg-1.15.0.yaml releases/cnpg-1.15.1.yaml
    5. Update values.yaml if needed

    6. NOTE: updating values.yaml just for the CNPG version may not be necessary, as the value should default to the appVersion in Chart.yaml

  6. Run make docs schema to regenerate the docs and the values schema in case it is needed
    make docs schema
  7. Commit and add the relevant information you wish in the commit message.
    git add .
    git commit -S -s -m "Release cloudnative-pg-v$NEW_VERSION" --edit
  8. Push the new branch
    git push --set-upstream origin release/cloudnative-pg-v$NEW_VERSION
  9. A PR named Release cloudnative-pg-vX.Y.Z should be automatically created
  10. Wait for all the checks to pass
  11. Two approvals are required in order to merge the PR, if you are a maintainer approve the PR yourself and ask for another approval, otherwise ask for two approvals directly.
  12. Merge the PR squashing all commits and taking care to keep the commit message to be Release cloudnative-pg-vX.Y.Z
  13. A release cloudnative-pg-vX.Y.Z should be automatically created by an action, which will then trigger the release action. Verify they both are successful.
  14. Once done you should be able to run:
    helm repo add cnpg
    helm repo update
    helm search repo cnpg
    and be able to see the new version X.Y.Z as CHART VERSION for cloudnative-pg

Releasing the cluster chart

In order to create a new release of the cluster chart, follow these steps:

  1. Take note of the current value of the release: see .version in charts/cluster/Chart.yaml
    yq -r '.version' charts/cluster/Chart.yaml
  2. Decide which version to create, depending on the kind of changes and backwards compatibility, following semver semantics. For this document, let's call it X.Y.Z
  3. Create a branch: named release/cluster-vX.Y.Z and switch to it
    git switch --create release/cluster-v$NEW_VERSION
  4. Update the .version in the Chart.yaml file to "X.Y.Z"
    sed -i -E "s/^version: ([0-9]+.?)+/version: $NEW_VERSION/" charts/cluster/Chart.yaml
  5. Run make docs schema to regenerate the docs and the values schema in case it is needed
    make docs schema
  6. Commit and add the relevant information you wish in the commit message.
    git add .
    git commit -S -s -m "Release cluster-v$NEW_VERSION" --edit
  7. Push the new branch
    git push --set-upstream origin release/cluster-v$NEW_VERSION
  8. A PR should be automatically created
  9. Wait for all the checks to pass
  10. Two approvals are required in order to merge the PR, if you are a maintainer approve the PR yourself and ask for another approval, otherwise ask for two approvals directly.
  11. Merge the PR squashing all commits and taking care to keep the commit message to be Release cluster-vX.Y.Z
  12. A release cluster-vX.Y.Z should be automatically created by an action, which will ten trigger the release action. Verify they both are successful.
  13. Once done you should be able to run:
    helm repo add cnpg
    helm repo update
    helm search repo cnpg
    and be able to see the new version X.Y.Z as CHART VERSION for cluster