This is a shiny app for chromosomal copy number variant analysis. It can parse the vcf file with SV calls, visualize CNV and B-allele frequency and genetic phasing information interactively. The VizCNV is still under active development, suggestions is appreciated.
R version >= 4.2 Following R libraries are required: Shifting level models based segmentation is performed using SLMSuite.
Please cite the following article if you use VizCNV in your research:
- Du, H., Jolly, A., Grochowski, C. M., Yuan, B., Dawood, M., Jhangiani, S. N., Li, H., Muzny, D., Fatih, J. M., Coban-Akdemir, Z., Carlin, M. E., Scheuerle, A. E., Witzl, K., Posey, J. E., Pendleton, M., Harrington, E., Juul, S., Hastings, P. J., Bi, W., … Liu, P. (2022). The multiple de novo copy number variant (MdnCNV) phenomenon presents with peri-zygotic DNA mutational signatures and multilocus pathogenic variation. Genome Medicine, 14(1), 122.
The manuscript of VizCNV is WIP!