A simple plug-in to make setting alt/option keybinds easier.
In some terminals (e.g. iTerm2, wezTerm), it is possible to set a keybind for option-a as follows:
vim.keymap.set("n", "å", {mapping}, {opts})
When you have many of these, it is hard to read the configs. This plugin allows you to write the following:
local mak = require"macaltkey"
mak.keymap.set("n", "<a-a>", {mapping}, {opts}, {opts2})
can hold additional options that override those in mak.setup
This is implemented as a dict with a simple wrapper around vim.keymap.set.
We implement the following convenience functions
These commands will transparently pass to the wrapped api function if Mac OS
is not detected, or if there are no commands like <a-.>
If you previously wrote
local set = vim.keymap.set
you can now simply write
local set = mak.keymap.set
One can also manually convert the lhs:
local mak = require"macaltkey"
vim.keymap.set("n", mak.convert("<a-a>"), {mapping}, {opts}, {opts2})
If you want some help converting your older keymaps, there is a deconvert function that takes in a converted string and outputs the corresponding <a-.> command:
mak.deconvert("") == "<a-K>"
with Lazy.nvim:
config = function()
with Lazy.nvim:
config = function()
language = "en-US", -- American
-- or "en-GB" British. US is default
modifier = 'aA',
-- If this is a single char like 'y', then
-- will convert <y-x> or <Y-x> (case insensitive) to the character at option-x.
-- also accepts arbitrary strings, e.g. 'abc' will convert
-- any of <a-x>, <b-x>, and <c-x> (case sensitive).
-- Can be passed to the extra opts table of the
-- convenience functions.
double_set = false,
-- If this is true, then will set both the converted
-- and unconverted keybind, e.g. both <a-a> and å.
-- Can be passed to the extra opts table of the
-- convenience functions.
-- I don't recommend it, but you can put
-- require"macaltkey".os = "darwin" here to force conversions.
-- require"macaltkey".dict = {...} here to use a custom dict.
It is possible to define your own dicts but non-ascii characters may need special
code in mak.convert (see the implementation for "en-GB"
, which has to treat £ as
two characters '\194\163'
; contributions welcome for other layouts.)
Inspiration from 'Neovim Lua Plugin From Scratch' by TJ DeVries and bashbunni and 'Create Neovim Plugins with Lua' by DevOnDuty
The get_os function is from f-person/auto-dark-mode.nvim.