HTC VIVE Template (soon to be general VR template)
It seems the community is in need of a quality HTC Vive Template till Epic Games gets their official ones going.
GitHub Download:
Version 1.0
-Smallest VR Project EVER: So far the total project size is about 6MB, WHAT?! -Preset Rendering Settings: Don't have to go into 'Project Settings' and change anything. -Trackpad Input Bindings included for non-room scale locomotion -VR-Physics World: Go have some fun with picking up and throwing objects!
General Changes:
-Added HTC Vive motion controller static meshes for "hands" -Target Hardware: Set to mobile w/ scalable 2D and 3D (this is how you achieve 6Mb project file size)
Render Settings Changes:
-Default Postprocessing Settings: All Disabled (enable if you really need them...) -Optimization Changes: Early Z-pass set to 'Opaque Meshes Only,' Movables in early Z-Pass enabled, Clear Scene set to 'Do Not Clear,' with Vertex Deformation and GBuffer rendertargets disabled -Instant Stereo Rendering: Enabled -Framerate Settings: Smooth rate, min 90, max 120, min desired 90 (this one is debatable depending on who you talk to)
-Postprocessing volume preset (no bloom, SSRs, etc.) -Basic material that has been instanced -Physics Cube Actors to interact with (pickup, throw, etc.)
The download link is at the top of this post. It is on a public GitHub repo and community involvement would be awesome to see. I plan on making a shooting range and a few other levels so if anyone wants to beat me to those and add them to this project (regardless of it being Vive or Oculus based) then go right ahead :)