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The `game_graveyard_zone` table

Contains informations about zones connected to world’s graveyards.

This table set if character die in zone ghost_zone and graveyard with id accept his team (HORDE or ALIANCE or both) and this is nearest graveyard then character’s ghost will be teleported to graveyard id.

For a list of all existing graveyard zones and their respective IDs, check out WorldSafeLocs.dbc


Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id int(10) unsigned NO 0
ghost_loc int(10) unsigned NO 0
link_kind tinyint unsigned NO 0
faction int(10) unsigned NO 0

Description of the fields


Graveyard’s ID. See WorldSafeLocs.dbc


The id of a location. This is either an area/zone id or a map id based on the value of link_kind. See AreaTable.dbc


The kind of ghost_loc id, either GRAVEYARD_AREALINK = 0 or GRAVEYARD_MAPLINK = 1


Graveyard’s team.

0 – Any team’s accepted

469 – ALLIANCE team accepted only

67 – HORDE team accepted only

Exemple for DBDevs:

To fix issue where dead player on coldridge valey are respawned to kheranos you use .gps to see what area (132) you are then you look over the WorldSafeLocs.dbc to find id of the coldridge valey wich is (100).
Then the following should make you respawn correctly in that graveyard.

INSERT INTO `game_graveyard_zone` (`id`, `ghost_loc`, `link_kind`, `faction`) VALUES (100, 132, 0, 0);
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