Styling native HTML file inputs can be a pretty big pain, and to make matters worse, the browser default look-and-feel is probably at odds with your app's design. This problem is what react-file-input aims to solve.
Once integrated, react-file-input quickly eliminates the headaches associated with forms requiring file upload.
npm install react-file-input
Usage is pretty simple: just use react-file-input instead of <input type="file" />
var React = require('react'),
FileInput = require('react-file-input');
var Form = React.createClass({
handleChange: function(event) {
console.log('Selected file:',[0]);
render: function() {
return (
<FileInput name="myImage"
placeholder="My Image"
onChange={this.handleChange} />
The list of valid props can be found below.
Behave just like standard react-style attributes on input controls.
Captivation Software (@teamcaptivation)
By all means, if you see room for improvement, let us know!
MIT License