A command-line tool for working with base-64 encoded strings.
b64 is written in Elixir and will require Elixir > 1.10 if installed locally.
Run docker build -t b64 .
Verify b64 is installed properly by running docker run -i --rm b64 --help
Start by cloning the repo at https://github.com/cmmorrow/b64.
Run mix escript.build from the command line to build the b64 binary.
Verify b64 is installed properly by running ./b64 --help
Usage: b64 [--encode|--decode] [STRING]
A command-line tool for working with base-64 encoded strings.
STRING - If encoding, STRING is a unicode, ASCII, or binary string.
If decoding, STRING is a base-64 encoded string.
Optionally, STRING can be piped from STDIN.
--decode Decode a base-64 encoded string to a binary string.
-d Alias for --decode.
--encode Encode a unicode, ASCII, or binary string to base-64.
-e Alias for --encode.
--help Prints this message.
--urldecode Decode a base-64 encoded string containing URL safe
--urlencode Encode a base-64 string using URL safe characters.
Encode an ASCII string.
b64 --encode hello
Decode an ASCII string.
b64 --decode aGVsbG8=
Encode an ASCII string from stdin.
echo 'hello' | b64 --encode
Decode an ASCII string from stdin.
echo 'aGVsbG8=' | b64 --decode
Encode a unicode string.
b64 --encode エンコード
Decode a unicode string
b64 --decode 44Ko44Oz44Kz44O844OJ