A command-line tool for generating universally unique identifiers.
uuid is written in Elixir and will require Elixir > 1.10 and mix
if installed locally.
Run docker build -t uuid .
Verify uuid is installed properly by running docker run -it --rm uuid --help
Start by cloning the repo at https://github.com/cmmorrow/uuid.
Next, from the command-line, run mix local.hex
to update Hex. Run mix deps.get
to download the necessary dependencies. Finally, run mix escript.build
to build the uuid binary. Verify uuid is installed properly by running ./uuid --help
Usage: uuid [1|3|4|5] [--url|--dns|--oid|--x500 name] [--hex|--urn]
A command-line tool for generating universal unique identifiers (uuids).
1 - Generate a version 1 uuid based on MAC address.
3 - Generate a version 3 uuid based on the MD5 hash of ARG.
4 - Generate a version 4 uuid based on randomly generated bytes.
5 - Generate a version 5 uuid based on the SHA1 hash of ARG.
If a version number isn't provided, the default is version 4.
--url A uniform resource locator.
--dns A fully qualified domain name.
--oid An object identifier.
--x500 A x.500 distinguished name.
--hex Provides the uuid in hexidecimal format without the "-"s.
--urn Provides the uuid in the uniform resource name namespace.
> uuid
> uuid 1
> uuid 3 --dns elixir-lang.org
> uuid 3 --dns elixir-lang.org --hex
> uuid 3 --url elixir-lang.org --urn