Scripts collection to create plots from alp_analysis and hh2bbbb_limit output
It has to be cloned inside usual alp working area ('CMSSW_BASE/src/Analysis'). Python based. Use 'python scriptname' to execute each script.
- utils -> default functions to create plots (stack, 2d, etc.)
- script -> various script to create histos needed for analysis
General idea: compare two binned histograms with defined normalization. Input are always histograms. - the two histograms can be made by stack of multiple histograms. - colors, legends, binning can be costumized - default weights (PU, BTag, ...) must have been applied already to input histograms. - get residuals, pulls, ratio
drawcomp_afterBDT -> to plot ditributions from classifier report output, e.g.
- get sig vs MC bkg (pangea not reweighted after alp_analysis!
- trigger efficiency plots
- selection of mva input variables
drawcomp_preBDT -> to plot ditributions from alp_analysis
- get sig vs MC bkg (only single signal sample)
- compare MC bkgs
- compare signals
- plot single sample distributions
- N.B. if weights vector is null, weights are taken from h_w_oneInvFb histogram (to normalized to 1Fb-1) CMD: python scripts/ -w 2 -o test (-c --res -1)
drawcomp_trgEff -> to plot ditributions for trigger efficiency study (not maintained)
drawcomp_tktdr -> to plot ditributions for phase2 tracker TDR (not maintained)
Plot option structure:
- if which == NN:
- samples = [['aa','bb'], ['cc']] -> two vector of samples. Stack TH1 if more than 1. Data always in the second argument.
- fractions = ['','test'] -> specify if train, test or appl
- regions = ['',''] -> specify which CR (btag, ms, ttbdt, ... ). see
- weights = [[1.,4.],[2.]] -> usually to normalize to a L_int=1fb-1
- sf = [[],[]] -> additional weight
- legList = [['aa','qcd HT>200'], ["cc"]] -> legend (if QCD, one is autmatically taken)
- colorList = [[604,300]], [430]] -> specify color if you do not want to use the default from
- dofill = [True,True] -> to fill the histos
- isMC = True -> just to change canvas header
- oname = 'comp_qcdttBkg_afterBDT' -> out file name
- headerOpt = " aaaaa " -> additional text printed close to 'CMS'
- sample name: aa-fix-00 -> aa mixed with fixed library taking 0-0 neighbours (for MC samples)