###how to install . install.sh
###how to set your environment Every time, do . setup.sh
###how to make babies edit main.cc -- at the top, "runBaby" should be true, "usePtRel" should be true if you want to use pTRel for the definitions (normally run it both ways), everything else false.
The "if (runBaby)" part at the very end specifies which babies will be made, uncomment the ones you need. To run on a new sample, add a line here referencing a new chain, then declare and fill the new chain analogously to the other chains.
###how to make cards
Create a directory, and fill it with these files:
- WZJets_histos.root
- TTWJets_histos.root
- TTZJets_histos.root
- ttbar_histos.root
- t1tttt_1500_100_histos.root
Each of these files should have 3 histograms inside, with the names (You are allowed to append a suffix to these names, in that case, this will be the suffix below):
- hyp_hihi
- hyp_hilow
- hyp_lowlow
Finally, create the cards with: python createCard.py dir signalSample suffix
###how to get limits combine -M Asymptotic dir/card.txt --run expected --noFitAsimov