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Raycast tutorial ( 👩🏾‍🔧 under construction 👷🏾‍♀️ )

🗺️ STEP 1: creating a world

To illustrate the process of ray-casting, we will create a maze world that has the following geometric constraints:

1. Walls are always at 90° angle with the floor.
2. Walls are made of cubes that have the same size.
3. Floor is always flat.

For our purpose, each cube will have the size of 64x64x64 units. (The choice of 64 is arbitrary, but it will be useful to pick a number that is a multiple of 2; because we can perform some arithmetic shift operations on such number (shift operations are faster than multiplication or division). The larger the size of the cube, the blockier the world will look like, but smaller cube will make the rendering slower.)

figure 1

Before continuing, we will define our coordinate system so that there is no confusion. The coordinate system that we use is:

figure 2

Note: Any kind of cartesian coordinate system would work just as well. However, you do have to be consistent (don’t use the top-down coordinate system for one thing but then use the buttom-up coordinate for others). You’d be likely to confuse yourself if you do this – I did.

📝 STEP 2: Defining projection attributes

Now that we have the world, we need to define some attributes before we can project and render the world. Specifically, we need to know these attributes:

1. Player/viewer’s height, player’s field of view (FOV), and player’s position.
2. Projection plane’s dimension.
3. Relationship between player and projection plane.

The player should be able to see what is in front of him/her. For this, we will need to define a field of view (FOV). The FOV determines how wide the player sees the world in front of him/her. Most humans have a FOV of 90 degrees or more. However, FOV with this angle does not look good on screen. Therefore, we define the FOV to be 60 degrees through trial and experimentation (on how good it looks on screen). The player’s height is defined to be 32 units because this is a reasonable assumption considering that walls (the cubes) are 64 units high.

figure 3

To put the player inside the world, we need to define the player’s X coordinate, the player’s Y coordinate, and the angle that the player is facing to. These three attributes forms the “point of view” of the player.

Suppose that the player is put somewhere in the middle of grid coordinate (1,2) at a viewing angle of 45 degrees relative to the world, then the player’s point of view and FOV will be like in the following image (One grid consist is 64 x 64 units. Thus, we can also say that the player is in unit coordinate (96,160)).

figure 4

We need to define a projection plane so that we can project what the player sees into the projection plane. A projection plane of 320 units wide and 200 units high is a good choice, since this is the resolution of most VGA video cards. (Video resolution is usually referred in pixels, so think of 1 pixel as equal to 1 unit.) When the player’s point of view is projected into the projection plane, the world should look like the scene below.

figure 5

By knowing the field of view (FOV) and the dimension of the projection plane, we can calculate the angle between subsequent rays and the distance between the player and the projection plane. These steps are illustrated in the figure above (Many books define these last two values arbitarily, without telling the reader where the values come from, here is the justification.)

Here is what we can calculate (most of these are high school level math, I recommend brushing up on Trigonometry/Pythagorean theorem if you don’t understand):

figure 6

So now we know:

Dimension of the Projection Plane = 320 x 200 units
Center of the Projection Plane = (160,100)
Distance to the Projection Plane = 277 units
Angle between subsequent rays = 60/320 degrees

(We will occasionally refer the “angle between subsequent rays” as the “angle between subsequent columns.” Later, this angle will be used to loop from column to column. The distance between player to the projection plane will be used for scaling.)

🧱 STEP 3: Finding walls

Notice from the previous image, that the wall can be viewed as collection of 320 vertical lines (or 320 wall slices).

figure 7

This is precisely a form of geometrical constraints that will be suitable for ray-casting. Instead of tracing a ray for every pixel on the screen, we can trace for only every vertical column of screen. The ray on the extreme left of the FOV will be projected onto column 0 of the projection plane, and the right most ray will be projected onto column 319 of the projection plane.

figure 8

Therefore, to render such scene, we can simply trace 320 rays starting from left to right. This can be done in a loop. The following illustrates these steps:

1. Based on the viewing angle, subtract 30 degrees (half of the FOV).
2. Starting from column 0:
    A. Cast a ray. (The term “cast” is a bit confusing. Imagine the player as a wizard who can “cast” rays instead of spells. The ray is just an “imaginary” line extending from the player.)
    B. Trace the ray until it hits a wall.
3. Record the distance to the wall (the distance is equal to the length of the ray).
4. Add the angle increment so that the ray moves to the right (we know from Figure 10 that the value of the angle increment is 60/320 degrees).
5. Repeat step 2 and 3 for each subsequent column until all 320 rays are cast.

The trick to step 2.A is that instead of checking each pixels, we only have to check each grid. This is because a wall can only appear on a grid boundary. Consider a ray being traced as in the figure bellow. To check whether this ray has hit a wall or not, it is sufficient to check the grid intersection points at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

figure 9

To find walls, we need to check any grid intersection points that are encountered by the ray; and see if there is a wall on the grid or not. The best way is to check for horizontal and vertical intersections separately. When there is a wall on either a vertical or a horizontal intersection, the checking stops. The distance to both intersection points is then compared, and the closer distance is chosen. This process is illustrated in the following two figures.

Checking Horizontal Intersections

figure 10

Steps of finding intersections with horizontal grid lines:

  • Find coordinate of the first intersection (point 1 in this example).
  • Find y_increment. (Note: y_increment is just the height of the grid; however, if the ray is facing up, y_increment will be negative, if the ray is facing down, y_increment will bepositive.)
  • Find x_icremenet using the equation given above.
  • Check the grid at the intersection point. If there is a wall on the grid, stop and calculate the distance.
  • If there is no wall, extend the to the next intersection point. Notice that the coordinate of the next intersection point

call it (nextX,nextY) nextX = oldX + x_icremenet and nextY = oldY + y_increment.

As an example the following is how you can get the point 1:

figure 11

In the picture, the ray is facing up, so we use the first formula.

  1.y = rounded_down( 224 / 64 ) * (64) = 192;

The ray is facing up and we want to check the grid above the line, that's why we subtract a small amount from it from it:

  1.y = 1.y - (1e-6);
  So the grid coordinate of 1.y is 191 / 64 = 2;

if the ray were facing down, we'd do:

  1.y = 1.y + GRID_SIZE) // to check the bellow the line.

In the picture, (assume ALPHA is 60 degrees),

  width = ( 224 - 191 ) / tan(60)
  1.x = 96 + width = about 115;
  The grid coordinate of 1.x is 115 / 64 = 1;

So 1 is at grid (1,2) and we can check whether there is a wall on that grid. There is no wall on (1,2) so the ray will be extended to the next intersection.

figure 12

1. Finding y_increment
  If the ray is facing UP
     y_increment = -GRID_SIZE;
     y_increment = GRID_SIZE;
2. Finding x_increment
  x_increment = GRID_SIZE / tan(ALPHA);
  in this case:
  x_increment = 64 / tan(60) = 36
3. We can get the coordinate of the next intersection as follows:
  3.x = 1.x + x_increment = 115 + 36 = 151;
  3.y = 1.y + y_increment = 191 - 64 = 127;
4. Convert this into grid coordinate by dividing each component with GRID_SIZE.
  3.x = 151 / 64 = 2 (grid coordinate)
  3.y = 127 / 64 = 1 (grid coordinate) 

So the grid coordinate of intersection 3 is (2, 1).

5. repeat the process until we hit a wall.
  x = x + x_increment;
  y = y + y_increment;

#Checking Vertical Intersections

figure 13

Steps of finding intersections with vertical grid lines:

1. Find coordinate of the first intersection (point 2 in this example).

figure 14

In this example the ray is facing right so:

  2.x = rounded_down(player_x / GRID_SIZE) * (GRID_SIZE);  

Finding y coordinate:

  width = (player_x - ray.x) * tan_angle;
   2.y = player_y + width;
2. Find x_increment.
  If the ray is facing RIGHT
     x_increment = GRID_SIZE;
     x_increment = -GRID_SIZE;
3. Find y_increment
  y_increment = GRID_SIZE * tan(ALPHA);
4. Check the grid at the intersection point.
  If there is no wall we repeat the process until we find one:
  x = x + x_increment
  y = y + y_increment.

📐 STEP 4: Get distance from walls

figure 15

🐟 STEP 5: Fix fishbowl effect

Before drawing the wall, there is one problem that must be taken care of. This problem is known as the “fishbowl effect”. Fishbowl effect happens because ray-casting implementation mixes polar coordinate and Cartesian coordinate together. Therefore, using the above formula on wall slices that are not directly in front of the viewer will gives a longer distance. This is not what we want because it will cause a viewing distortion such as illustrated below.

figure 16 figure 17

** To get the correct distance from distorted distance first notice that**

  cos(β) = correct_distance / distorted_distance
  correct_distance = distorted_distance * cos(β)
  where β = player_angle - ray_angle

Thus to remove the viewing distortion, the resulting distance obtained from equations in the image above must be multiplied by cos(BETA); where BETA is the angle of the ray that is being cast relative to the viewing angle. On the figure above, the viewing angle (ALPHA) is 90 degrees because the player is facing straight upward. Because we have 60 degrees field of view, BETA is 30 degrees for the leftmost ray and it is -30 degrees for the rightmost ray.

🖍️ STEP 6: Drawing walls

In the previous steps, 320 rays are casts, when each ray hits a wall, the distance to that wall is computed. Knowing the distance, the wall slice can then be projected onto the projection plane. To do this, the height of the projected wall slice need to be found. It turns out that this can be done with a simple formula:

                                             Actual Slice Height
                    Projected Slice Height= --------------------- * Distance to Projection Plane
                                            Distance to the Slice

The logic behind this formula: figure 18

Our world consist cubes, where the dimension of each cube is 64x64x64 units, so the wall height is 64 units. We also already know the distance of the player to the projection plane (which is 277). Thus, the equation can be simplified to:

  Projected Slice Height = GRID_SIZE / Distance to the Slice * distance_to_projection_plane

In an actual implementation, several things can be considered:

For instance, 64/277 can be pre-computed, since this will be a constant value.
Once this is calculated, the wall slice can be drawn on the screen.
This can be done by simply drawing a vertical line on the corresponding
column on the projection plane (screen).

Remember where the number 277 came from?
This number can actually be deviated a bit without causing any huge impact.
In fact, it will save time to use the value of 255 because the programmer
can use shift operator to save computing time
(shift right by 3 to multiply, shift left to divide).

For example, suppose the ray at column 200 hits a wall slice at distance of 330 units. The projection of the slice will be 64 / 330 * 277 = 54 (rounded up). Since the center of the projection plane is defined to be at 100. The middle of the wall slice should appear at this point. Hence, the top position where the wall slice should be drawn is 100 - 27 = 73. (where 27 is one half of 54). Finally, the projection of the slice will look something like the next figure.

figure 19

🧱 STEP 7: Texture mapped walls

To make the walls more attractive, the walls can be painted with texture (bitmap) using a technique known as texture mapping. (Texture mapping in general refers to a technique of painting a bitmap/texture onto a surface.) For the cube world, we use bitmaps that have the size of 64 by 64 pixels. This size is chosen because 64 by 64 is also the size of the cube facets that we are using in our world. It is possible to use different size bitmaps, but using the same size simplifies the texture mapping process.

If we are to map a texture onto an arbitrary polygon, the texture mapping process will be complicated. Fortunately, on the ray-casting world that we are creating, texture mapping is just a matter of scaling a slice (a column) of bitmap, see figure bellow. figure 20 When the ray is looking for the wall intersection, the offset (position of the ray relative to the grid) can be found easily. This offset can then be used to determine which column of the bitmap is to be drawn as the wall slice. The following figure illustrates the process of finding the offset.

figure 21

For this example, we'll use xpm files.

What's an XPM file?


The XPM format is an array of strings composed of six different sections as follows:

static char* <variable_name>[] = {

This is a black-and-white image in the first (1989) XPM format.

#define XFACE_format 1
#define XFACE_width 48
#define XFACE_height 48
#define XFACE_ncolors 2
#define XFACE_chars_per_pixel 1
static char *XFACE_colors[] = {
"a", "#ffffff",
"b", "#000000"
static char *XFACE_pixels[] = {
// and so on for 48 rows with 48 pixels

The values section contains the width, height, number of colors, and number of characters per pixel.

figure 22

When we open that kind of file we can use functions such as:

void	*mlx_xpm_file_to_image(t_xvar *xvar, char *filename, int *width, int *height)

It will place it in a linear memory block, with the symbols alreary translated to it'c corresponding color code and now we can use the offset to access the exact collumn of pixels that we want to render.

int get_pixel_color(const t_texture *texture, int x, int y)
	const int bytes_per_pixel = 4;
	unsigned char *color_address;
	int color;
	int index;
	int i;
	color_address = (unsigned char *)&color;
	index = (x + y * texture->width) * bytes_per_pixel;
	i = 0;
	while(i < bytes_per_pixel)
		color_address[i] = texture->data[index + i];
	return (color);

🌲 STEP 8: Detecting and drawing sprites

First we find the sprite angle:

sprite 1

Then we calculate the angle between the player and the sprite:

sprite 2

Find dist to plane (this is a constant value):

sprite 3

Define the center of sprite projection

sprite 4

📚 Reference



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