Simple projects implementing skills learnt
**Project 1: Database Creator and Manager • An advance database creator and manager GUI that allows users to connect to MySQL with the Username and password of MySQL connections with no need for any prior MySQL coding Knowledge. Works in a hierarchical manner.
Create New Database| Show Databases | Choose Database ------> Create new Table| Delete Database | Show tables | Choose table------> Add record | Delete table | Show records | Perform query | Update record | Delete record | Update Table---->Add Column Delete Column Change Column Type Rename Column Rename table • With each sub-menu having a "BACK" button for easy switching. Easy to use and no prior knowledge of MySQL required to maintain a database. Made using Python (implementing oops concepts), GUI with Tkinter, Database management using MySQL.
**Project2: Scientific Calculator GUI • Advance scientific calculator designed using python, Tkinter with functionalities of basic arithmetic operations along with logarithmic, trigonometric and algebraic functions. User friendly.