- Create an account at heroku.com if you don't have one
- Create a new (free / hobby / w/e) postgresql database
- connect to it using f.ex
(you can get a psql connection string from https://postgres.heroku.com/databases/) - paste
contents to the shell when connected to the db - Get the DATABASE_URL which looks something like
after creating the db at https://postgres.heroku.com/databases/ --> click the db --> under connection settings --> "URL", click show. - Create
at the root of the project - into it put
DATABASE_URL=<the-db-url-from-above> npm start
- chmod +x run.sh
- run it.
cd vue-rx
npm install
( install gulp if you don't already have it)gulp serve
New user: POST /api/user
Returns: List of ids, hopefully just one. Passwords are stored as plaintext because why not.
"email": "asdfoo@bar.fi",
"password": "Foobar123"
Authenticate user: POST /api/session
Returns: Access token that you have to set to all subsequent requests as a header named accesstoken. It might also tell you to go fork yourself.
"email": "asdfoo1@bar.fi",
"password": "Foobar123"
Log out: DELETE /api/session
Return: Message stating you have logged out. It will only delete the current session token making it obsolete in the future.
Add a category for user: POST /api/user/:userId/category
Returns: List of ids.
"name": "Vapaa-aika"
Add a task into some category for the current user: POST /api/user/3/category/6/task
Note: The relation is recursive, a top level task (e.g., Work, Univesity) has a category_id, but if it is supposed to be a sub-task, it will also have a task_id. We leave it to the client to manage how to show this data for the user.
Returns: List of ids.
"name": "Punttisali",
"task_id": 2 (OPTIONAL)