ambari docker镜像,测试环境centos7
├── 创建/启动/停止
├── node node节点镜像
├── node节点依赖脚本
├── node节点依赖脚本
└── repo ambari hdp本地仓库镜像
组件 | 版本 | 介绍 |
HDFS | 3.3.4 | Apache Hadoop Distributed File System |
YARN | 3.3.4 | Apache Hadoop NextGen MapReduce (YARN) |
MapReduce2 | 3.1.1 | Apache Hadoop NextGen MapReduce (YARN) |
Tez | 0.10.2 | Tez is the next generation Hadoop Query Processing framework written on top of YARN. |
Hive | 3.1.3 | Data warehouse system for ad-hoc queries & analysis of large datasets and table & storage management service |
HBase | 2.4.14 | Non-relational distributed database and centralized service for configuration management & synchronization |
Sqoop | 1.4.7 | Tool for transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured data stores such as relational databases |
ZooKeeper | 3.7.1 | Centralized service which provides highly reliable distributed coordination |
Infra Solr | 8.11.2 | Core shared service used by Ambari managed components. |
Ambari Metrics | 0.2.0 | A system for metrics collection that provides storage and retrieval capability for metrics collected from the cluster |
Atlas | 2.2.0 | Atlas Metadata and Governance platform |
Kafka | 2.8.2 | A high-throughput distributed messaging system |
Knox | 1.6.1 | Provides a single point of authentication and access for Apache Hadoop services in a cluster |
Log Search | 0.5.0 | Log aggregation, analysis, and visualization for Ambari managed services. This service is Technical Preview. |
Ranger | 2.3.0 | Comprehensive security for Hadoop |
Ranger KMS | 2.3.0 | Key Management Server |
Spark2 | 2.4.8 | Apache Spark 2.3 is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. |
Flink | 1.15.2 | Apache Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computations over unbounded and bounded data streams. This service is Technical Preview. |
Hue | 4.10.0 | Hue is a graphical user interface to operate and develop applications for Apache Hadoop.This service is Technical Preview. |
Impala | 4.1.1 | an open source, analytic MPP database for Apache Hadoop that provides the fastest time-to-insight. This service is Technical Preview. |
Kerberos | 1.10.3-30 | A computer network authentication protocol which works on the basis of 'tickets' to allow nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. |
Kyuubi | 1.6.1 | AKyuubi is a distributed multi-tenant Thrift JDBC/ODBC server for large-scale data management, processing, and analytics, built on top of Apache Spark and designed to support more engines (i.e., Flink). This service is Technical Preview. |
Ozone | 1.3.0 | Ozone is a scalable, redundant, and distributed object store for Hadoop.This service is Technical Preview. |
Spark3 | 3.3.2 | Apache Spark 3.3 is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. This service is Technical Preview. |
sh create
windows 添加路由, -p永久
route add -p mask
linux 修改完后一定要重启
echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf