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PianoSolo Counter Bundle

Symfony bundle helps to easily add a counter to entities. Using CounterTrait in entities will create a Counter entity relation automatically. Then you can easily add clicks to the counter. You can also add fake counts to your entites by keeping the real count.

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1-) Tell composer to download by running the command:

composer require pianosolo/counter-bundle

2-) Add the bundle to AppKernel

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new PianoSolo\CounterBundle\PianoSoloCounterBundle(),


1-) Add CounterTrait to your entity.


namespace MyBundle\Entity;

use PianoSolo\Traits\CounterTrait;

class MyEntity
    use CounterTrait;

2-) EventListener will create a new Counter for your entity while persisting your entity.

    $myEntity = new MyEntity();

3-) Call Counter and add clicks.


namespace MyBundle\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;

class DefaultController extends Controller
    public function showEntityAction()
        $myEntity = $myEntityRepository->findOneBy(array('id' => $id));
        $myEntity->getCounter()->addClick(5); // Default value of parameter is 1

4-) Get Count

    $count = $myEntity->getCounter()->getCount();
    {{ myEntity.counter.count }}

Adding Fake Count

You can add fake counts to your entities and keep the real counts. Whenever you want you can delete this fake counts.

    // Example initial count values of entity
    $count = $myEntity->getCounter()->getCount(); // return 10
    $realCount = $myEntity->getCounter()->getRealCount(); // return 10

    // Adding fake count

    // Keeping real count
    $count = $myEntity->getCounter()->getCount(); // return 110
    $realCount = $myEntity->getCounter()->getRealCount(); // return 10

    // Delete fake count