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My Name Con

This is the repository for the lambda function and website of This project was created for a fun April Fool's day experience :)

Lambda Function

The conventions are generated from a lambda function that gets called if a convention for your name has not been generated already. The data is stored in data.json for the list of people and cities.json for the list of cities.


The main website is hosted on S3 which each new name con gets put into the same bucket. So once you generate 'John' you can then go to The website will automatically redirect you upon creation or if already created. The website files are in public.


Serverless Function

You can deploy your own version by using the serverless framework. Once installed simply run serverless deploy. You will need to configure the env var for S3_BUCKET in your lambda (or other FaaS) function.


To deploy the website you will first need s3cmd installed. Then create a .aws.key and .aws.secret files and modify the Makefile to point to your S3 bucket. Then run make deploy and it should sync the files in public/* to your bucket. You can always push the files up to any host by hand as well, it will work on any webserver.


Running serverless locally may not support version nodejs6.10. Try modifying serverless.yml to an older version of node.


Project maintained by CodeGenies.
