a "Full Stack Web Developer" focusing on the Frontend Side(Specializing in React based technologies).
📝 I regularly write articles on https://codegino.com/blog
📫 How to reach me carloginocatapang@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://codegino.com/resume
- Build a multilingual NextJS app using the new app directory - cookie-based
- Build a free link shortener with Next.js and Vercel Postgres
- Build a multilingual NextJS app using the new app directory - URL-based
- Next.js and OpenAI Text Completion
- Synchronize Chrome Extensions state
- Add an Options Page to Chrome Extension
- Svelte and Tailwind for Chrome Extension
- How JavaScript hoisting actually works
- Sync React application state with the URL
- How to fetch NFT collection using JavaScript and OpenSea API