RESTful API, secured with basic authentication & role-based access limitation
- CRUD for an activity (name -running || swimming || racing-, distance, activity venue in which this activity took place).
- CRUD for an Activity Venue (name, longitude, latitude).
- admin: can do everything
- user: can read all, create all, but only can update his own records.
- guest: has only read access
- Ruby version: 2.1.5
- MySql server
- $ git clone
- $ cd rails-4-rest-api-demo
- $ bundle install
- $ cp .env.example .env #create your own .env file to set the required environment variables.
- rake db:create && rake db:migrate
- rake db:seed #you will see the access token required for each user (admin || user || guest).
- rspec --format documentation #to run test specs
#API End-points Note: Any request must have these headers to be completed:
- Accept: application/vnd.VENDOR_STRING+json;version=API_VERSION
- X-User-Email
- X-User-Token
- GET /activities
List all activities, with pagination of default page=1 & per_page=10 (maximum allowed 50) -these are configatron values that can be adjusted (check config/configatron/defaults.rb)-
- parameters:
- page, per_page
- GET /activity/:id
- POST /activity, PUT /activity/:id
- Parameters:
- activity[name] #optional, defaults to :running, must be one from (running || swimming || racing), Note: you can add more types!, check: config/configatro/defaults.rb
- activity[distance] #Mandatory
- activity[venue_id] #Mandatory
- DELETE /activity/:id
- GET /venues
List all venues, with pagination of default page=1 & per_page=10 (maximum allowed 50)
- parameters:
- page, per_page
- GET /venue/:id
- POST /venue, PUT /venue/:id
- Parameters:
- venue[name] #Mandatory
- venue[longitude] #Mandatory (between-180, 180)
- venue[latitude] #Mandatory (between -90, 90)
- DELETE /venue/:id