- Timeline View is shown with grid & dates
- Fetch & display tasks from API. The date range of API is based on size of viewport.
- Next & Previous navigation buttons which fetches previous / next month's tasks & displays them on timeline view.
- Swimlane whose height is updated based on the lowest & highest horizontally stacked task.
- Tasks are stacked horizontally based on weight of task w.r.t other tasks in the same date range. Higher the weight, lower the task position.
- Drag & drop functionality which positions the task correctly in the updated time range (vertical position will not be updated by task weight but tasks will not overlap).
- Handle common API errors like API details not set or Authentication failed.
Hello there future Toggl Plan Frontend Engineer! We're excited to see what you can do. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to replicate a simplified version of the team timeline view in Toggl Plan. To do this you'll need to create a new Toggl Plan account on our staging server: https://plan.toggl.space and use the API to fetch the data you need.
Some notes:
- The template is already set up with a basic Svelte+Tailwind+Vite setup. Feel free to add any other libraries you want.
- The data should be fetched from our staging API. You can use
endpoint. - There is no need to consider task assignees. Place all tasks in one swimlane.
- No need to implement authentication, just keep the auth token, workspace ID, and team ID in local storage.
- Since / Until dates can be +- 1 week from current date.
- Focus on placing tasks on the timeline (in a Tetris-like manner, "weight" property is used to place tasks vertically), and set up a basic drag and drop functionality (move task horizontally). Vertical drag and drop is not required.
- Changes to data should not be persisted to the API. Just keep them in memory.
- No need to replicate the exact UI
The first step is to fork this repo so that a fork exists on your own GitHub account. After you have forked the repo, clone your forked version down onto your machine.
Install the repo's dependencies:
pnpm install
Then start the local server:
pnpm run dev
Open the browser with the URL printed on the terminal, & run this JS snippet on the dev console:
// Note that the string 'Bearer ' must be prefixed to the
// <Auth-Token> token similar to the "Authorization" request header.
localStorage.setItem('token', "Bearer <Auth-Token>");
localStorage.setItem('teamId', "<Team-id>");
localStorage.setItem('workspaceId', "<Workspace-id>");
Please remember to commit often so we can see how you're doing 🙌
No need to deploy the project anywhere. Just send us a link to your forked repo.
You can reach me at vadim.kotov@toggl.com
to seek any clarifications.
Have fun!