Personal learning project for Go with Serverless AWS or Kubernetes
Provides an API for validation and storage of metadata/data with data storage S3 and state storage in DynamoDB.
Can be deployed to Kubernetes or serverless with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda.
- Create an efficient, generic metadata / data submission system that performs well on minimal infrastructure
- The system must run performantly on a 3-node Kubernetes cluster of Rasperry Pi 3s
- The system must be capable of running as a AWS serverless application at minimal cost by keeping to the free tier whenever possible
Requires npm for serverless framework and Go 1.11 with module support.
Run ./scripts/
to resolve dependencies and build.
##Docker Build Run the make file
Build Docker image
docker build -f Dockerfile-arm -t codetaming/indy-ingest-arm .
docker build -f Dockerfile -t codetaming/indy-ingest .
Run (Local)
docker run --publish 9000:9000 -t codetaming/indy-ingest
Run (Pi)
docker run --publish 9000:9000 -t codetaming/indy-ingest-arm
Push to Docker Hub
docker login
docker push codetaming/indy-ingest-arm
docker push codetaming/indy-ingest
- Negroni : HTTP Middleware
- Gorilla Mux : URL router and dispatcher
- Envconfig : Configuration management
- JWT Middleware : Token based authentication