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Ansible role to install Apache Maven.

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
    - codeyourinfra.maven

The default role behavior is to install the latest Maven version. If you want to install a specific version, like the 3.6.0, please set the variables as shown below:

- hosts: servers
    - role: codeyourinfra.maven
        use_latest_version: False
        maven_version: 3.6.0


The role is dependent of Codeyourinfra's Java 8 Ansible role, once we need Java to run Maven. Java is so installed before the Maven installation.

Build process

The build process is performed by Travis CI. During the build, Molecule is used to test the role.

Test yourself

Inside your Python virtual environment, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

And then:

molecule test

Author Information

@gustavomcarmo is a contributor of Codeyourinfra. Get on board too! :)