- GET /getrooms
Require Auth
- GET /reservations
Require Auth
- GET /avaiblerooms/{from}/{to}
Require Auth
- POST /createroom
Require Auth
Content-Type: application/json
BODY-> {"name": "roomName","adress": "roomAdress"}
- POST /createreserve
Require Auth
Content-Type: application/json
BODY-> {"roomid": 10,"createdby": "testUser", "fromdate": 20190917, "todate": 20190918, "title": "Interview with sukru polat"}
- POST /cancelreserve
Require Auth
Content-Type: application/json
BODY-> {"id": 22,roomid": 10,"createdby": "testUser", "fromdate": 20190917, "todate": 20190918, "title": "Interview with sukru polat"}
- POST /authenticate
Content-Type: application/json
- POST /register
Content-Type: application/json
This project secured with JWT authentication. I have used tutorial-1 and tutorial-2 to this achive secure layer.Big Thanks to javainuse.