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Coding Rehab


The Haskell platform

brew cask install haskell-platform
brew install haskell-stack

Sass to work with compiled css

gem install sass

The program that watches for file changes

stack install steeloverseer

Create a .sosrc file and add the following

- pattern: css/(.*)\.hs
   - runghc \0 > _site/css/\1.css

- pattern: css/(.*)\.scss
   - sass \0 > _site/css/\1.css


Build the program from source to ensre all dependiences are available

git checkout source
stack build


Run the command below then navigate to localhost:8000

stack exec site watch

Run the css compiler



  1. Generate the site using stack exec site build (generates all the files under _site).

  2. Generate css files (generates all the files under _site/css)

  • Run steeloverseer (for example ~/.local/bin/sos)
  • Update css files to trigger generation touch css/*
  • Validate the site looks good by doing stack exec site watch and changing browser size, looking at the blogposts code, etc.
  1. Go to branch base_generate

  2. Checkout a new branch git co -b new_deloyment

  3. Copy all the files from _site to the root: cp -a _site/. .

  4. Commit changes git add . and git commit -am "New version"

  5. Push the new version to GH pages master branch: git push gh-pages generated:master -f


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