Function Exports
compileSchema(folder='./schema/',resolver_dir="",saveSchema=true, plugin=[])
The folder that your schema files are primarily located in. GraphQL files will be stored in this folder.
The folder that your .js resolvers are located in. Default is in the schema folder with the GraphQL files.
Determines whether or not the system compiles the GraphQL files into a single file. schema.graphql
Experimental Functionality: Supports any function that accepts a single string parameters and returns a string parameter.
compileExecutableSchema(folder='./schema/',resolver_dir="",exec=function() {},saveSchema=true, plugin=[]
The folder that your schema files are primarily located in. GraphQL files will be stored in this folder.
The folder that your .js resolvers are located in. Default is in the schema folder with the GraphQL files.
Wrap your {resolvers, typeDefs}
inside of a function before exporting the result.
Determines whether or not the system compiles the GraphQL files into a single file. schema.graphql
Experimental Functionality: Supports any function that accepts a single string parameters and returns a string parameter.
compileGraphQl(saveSchema,folder='./schema/',resolver_dir="", plugin=[])
Generates the typeRefs object required by makeExecutableSchema
CreateResolvers(resolver_dir="", folder="./schema/")
Generates the resolvers object required by makeExecutableSchema
import { graphqlExpress } from 'apollo-server-express';
import compileSchema from './compile-schema';
//I can't seem to figure out how to make this module relative to the file that called it, its just the process project folder
let schemaFolder = "./src/schema/";
let resolverFolder = "resolvers";
const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server-express');
const { typeDefs, resolvers } = compileSchema(schemaFolder,resolverFolder);
const graphqlServer = new ApolloServer({
// These will be defined for both new or existing servers
playground: {
settings: {
'editor.theme': 'light',
tabs: [
endpoint: "graphql",
query: "query {",