- Counting Inversions - O(n log n)
- Number of Comparisons - average O(n log n)
- Karger's Minimum Cut - O(n^2)
- Kosaraju's Strongly Connected Components - O(m + n)
- Dijkstra's Shortest paths - O(n*m)
- Dijkstra's Shortest paths Heap - O(m log n)
- Median Maintenance - O(n log n)
- 2 Sum Algorithm - O(n)
- Binary Search Tree - average operations O(height)
- Scheduling Jobs - O(n log n)
- Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree - O(m log n)
- Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree - O(m log n)
- Union Find by Rank and Path Compression - O(m log n)
- Clustering 1, Clustering 2- O(m log n)
- Huffman Coding - O(m log n)
- Maximum Weight Independent Set - O(n)
- Knapsack Max Capacity - O(mn)
- Bellman-Ford Shortest Path - O(mn)
- Floyd-Warshall Shortest Shortest Path - O(n^3)
- Johnson's Shortest Shortest Path - O(mn log n)
- Traveling Salesman Problem - NP
- Traveling Salesman Problem Heuristic - NP
- 2-Satisfiability - NP