This is the code repository for the research project "Measuring Regulatory Complexity" by Jean-Edouard Colliard and Co-Pierre Georg. Use this code at your own risk. The code provides a simple dashboard that allows users to classify words in large regulatory texts (in our case the Dodd-Frank Act) in various categories, e.g. as operators or operands. This is useful when measuring the complexity of the regulatory text using the Halstead (1977) measures. The dashboard is still work in progress.
Source of raw data
Pdf to txt It will parse pdf documents located in 001_raw_data to txt. Input: 001_raw_data/pdf/.pdf Run the shell 100_code/shells/ Output: 001_raw_data/txt/.txt
Pdf to xlm (maximum 100 pages per document) It will parse pdf documents located in 001_raw_data to xlm. Input: 001_raw_data/pdf/.pdf Run the shell 100_code/shells/ Output: 001_raw_data/xlm/.xlm
Clean data for Dodd-Frank Input:001_raw_data/txt/DODDFRANK.txt Run 100_code/python/001_clean_data
Halstead Measures.
Features of the text such as bullets, definitions, references... Input: 010_cleaned_data/DODDFRANK.txt Run 100_code/python/002_regex_op