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REST market price lastest 24hours

CoinTiger-API edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 1 revision


exchange $symbol$ for tch, btc eth btc

request parameters:

parameters name necessary or not type description defaults ranges
api_key true String api key
symbol true String api key api key distributed by the platform tchbtc, ethbtc,btcbitcny,eosbtc..

response data:

parameters name necessary or not type descroption ranges
code true String request processing status 0 represent sucess and any others represent error
msg true String specific error description or success decription
ch true String the channel which data belongs to. format:market.$ symbol_depth.$type
ts true long the time of processing data unit:millisecond

tick instruction:

"tick": {
            "amount": 8848738.84824509, // turnover
            "vol": 176.2158, // volume
            "high": 52892.62357326, // highest price
            "low": 49262.16, // lowest price
            "rose": -0.03721117, // change
            "close": 50281.60548325, // close price
            "open": 52743.50380325 // open price

requset response case:

/* GET /api/market/detail?api_key=101311001&symbol=btcbitcny
    "code": "0",
    "msg": "suc",
    "data": {
        "ch": "market.btcbitcny.ticker",
        "trade_ticker_data": {
            "tick": {
                "amount": 7418370.49115073,
                "vol": 148.5636,
                "high": 52494.09797291,
                "low": 48645.1,
                "rose": -0.00656059,
                "close": 49375.30927674,
                "open": 51196.00406763
            "ts": 1521747255985

/* GET /api/market/detail?api_key=101311001&symbol=btcbitcny
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "you have exceeded  the limit times of calling api", 
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/detail?api_key=not-exist&symbol=btcbitcny
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "api_key can not be air",
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/detail?api_key=101311001&symbol=not-exist
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "symbol can not be air",
    "data": null

Websocket API Interface

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