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REST volume depth

CoinTiger-API edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 1 revision


exchange $symbol$ for tch, btc eth btc

request parameters:

parameters name necessary or not type description defaults ranges
api_key true String api key api key api key distributed by the platform
symbol true String trading pairs tchbtc, ethbtc,btcbitcny,eosbtc...
type true String type of depth there are three dimensions in the depth. 0,1,2

response data:

parameters name necessary or not type decription
code true String request processing status 0 represent sucess and any others represent error
msg true String specific error description or success decription
ch true String the channel which data belongs to. format:market.$ symbol$.depth.$type$

tick instriction:

 "tick": {
    "ts": the time of generating messages . unit: millisecond
    "buys": volume of buying. ,[price(transcation price), amount(volume)], price from high to low 
    "asks": volume of selling. ,[price(transcation price), amount(volume)], price from low to high

response request cas:

/* GET /api/market/depth?api_key=100310001&symbol=btcbitcny&type=step0 */
    "code": "0",
    "msg": "suc",
    "data": {
        "ch": "market.btcbitcny_depth.step0",
        "depth_data": {
            "tick": {
                "buys": [
                   ["49896.81", 0.0441],// [price, amount]
				  ["49936.23", 0.0021]
				  // more data here
                "asks": [
                    ["49896.81", 0.0441],
				   ["49936.23", 0.0021]
				   // more data here
            "ts": 1521860775784

/* GET /api/market/depth?api_key=100310001&symbol=btcbitcny&type=step0 */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "you have exceeded  the limit times of calling api",
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/depth?api_key=not-exist&symbol=btcbitcny&type=step0 */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "api_key can not be air",  
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/depth?api_key=100310001&symbol=not-exist&type=step0 */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "symbol can not be air", 
    "data": null

/* GET /api/market/depth?api_key=100310001&symbol=btcbitcny&type=not-exist */
    "code": "2",
    "msg": "type the request parameters are illegal", //  the ranges of 	parameters[step0,step1,step2] 
    "data": null

Websocket API Interface

REST API Interface

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