BASIC WOBBLE: a lowpass filter, with the frequency being controlled by an LFO. NICE DUBSTEP: modulate the LFO speed/frequency on the beat!
var makeWobbles = require('wobbler')
var context = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)()
var wobbler = makeWobbles(context)
var osc = context.createOscillator()
A key step to getting a good wub wub going is to radically alter the LFO frequency in time with the rhythm. Lets say you have set an interval at 120bpm (or thereabouts i know setInerval is not reliable, get off me):
// probably update the frequency of the oscillator here somewhere I guess, unless this is some of that "drone" music that I have been hearing so much about
var freq = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2, 3, 5][~~(Math.random() * 7)]
wobbler.lfo.frequency.setValueAtTime(freq, context.currentTime)
// the wubbles are really wobbing now!
// the wobbler has a short 1.5 second delay built in, and if we mess with the delay time it will cause weird sounds to happen! that's awesome like skrillex! lets doo that too!
if(Math.random() < 0.33){
var time = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25][~~(Math.random() * 5 )]
wobbler.delay.delayTime.setValueAtTime(time, context.currentTime)
}, 500)
=> Returns an array of string keys to audioNodes.['lfo', 'lfoGain', 'filter', 'delay', 'volume', 'analyser']
=> returns the input node for the synth, so you can do likeoscillator.connect(wobbler.input())
=> Connects the output of the filter to a destination or other node.start()
=> Calls start() on the LFO.stop()
=> Calls stop() on the LFO. Shhhhhh. (maybe it should disconnect itself too? "cleanup()"? NOMEMORYLEAKS2016)export()
=> Returns JSON respresentation of the instrument. For easily saving settings between browser sessions.import(data)
=> Loads JSON data, or use default values if no data is passed.