Fill out google form found at https://forms.gle/1i3dyhMygPTP1VNu7
Wait until 8AM EST and receive your personalized news update!
- If you wish to unsubcscribe send an email to cgm71@georgetown with your name you used on the google form
Clone or download this repository into a local directory
Create a developer account for these follwing websites and record the provided API keys
- https://developer.nytimes.com
- https://openweathermap.org/api
- https://developer.sportradar.com
- Select apis for NFL Classic Trial, MLB Trial v6, NHL Official Trial, and NBA Trial
- https://www.alphavantage.co
- https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs.html
- https://www.twilio.com
- https://sendgrid.com
- Follow instructions to create working google development sheet at: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2017/02/an-easy-way-to-read-and-write-to-a-google-spreadsheet-in-python.html
- Ensure the client_secret.json file is in your root directory
Make a linked google form by following this link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1C19R3RZLThIrF_-gaqKUbxOXsmQxUxhFz8-jmfILAmQ/edit?usp=sharing and copying it into your own drive. Select "link answers to existing spreadsheet" and select the spreadsheet you just made.
Make a Heroku account at https://signup.heroku.com/login
Create or activate enironment were you can manage packages from
- If using Anaconda as your language version manager
conda create -n yourenvname python=3.7
Ensure that your python is working in version 3.7
python --version
Install all required packages
pip install requirements.txt
create a .env file in your root directory for your environment variables and model it as thus with your own API keys:
ALPHA Vantage API Key
NY Times API Key
Open Weather API
Sports Radar
for email capabilities
MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS="Email" # use the email address you associated with the SendGrid service
for SMS capabilities
for tweeting capabilities
GOOGLE Sheets credential
SHEET_NAME="name of sheet with user information"
- Save and commit all changes and test working functionality from command line
If you have not used Heroku before go to https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli#download-and-install to install comand line functionality
You can test if it is working by issuing these commands from the command line
heroku login
heroku apps:list
Create a remote Heroku server:
heroku apps:create name-of-app
Go to the Heroku online dashboard and find the app's "heroku git url" and subsequently associate this with your git repository:
git remote add heroku REMOTE_ADDRESS
Ensure this step worked by issuing
git remote -v
- Configure the entire json file "client_secret.json" as an environment variable
heroku config:set GOOGLE_API_CREDENTIALS="$(< /client_secret.json)"
- In spreadsheet.py change
server = False
server = True
2.For each environment variable in your .env issue a respective heroku command such as
heroku config:set ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY="Key"
git push heroku master
Once deployed you will need to activate the heroku scheduler to run this command everyday at your desired time.
python app/send_notification.py
To enable continous integration to run on each updated commit you will need to navigate to https://travis-ci.com and go to the settings of your repository and configure each of these environment variables once more.