This repo includes a useful software library and example code to perform MVPA/MPS/representational similarity analysis with fMRI data.
This MATLAB code is a slightly updated version of the code used for the following articles:
MS Copara, AS Hassan, CT Kyle, LA Libby, C Ranganath, AD Ekstrom. (2014). Complementary roles of human hippocampal subregions during retrieval of spatiotemporal context. Journal of Neuroscience 34 (20), 6834-6842
Stokes, J., Kyle, C., & Ekstrom, A. D. (2015). Complementary Roles of Human Hippocampal Subfields in Differentiation and Integration of Spatial Context. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.
CT Kyle, JD Stokes, JS Lieberman, AS Hassan, AD Ekstrom. (2015).
Successful retrieval of competing spatial environments in humans
involves hippocampal pattern separation mechanisms. Elife 4, e10499
Kyle, C., Smuda, D., Hassan, A., & Ekstrom, A. (2015). Roles of human hippocampal subfields in retrieval of spatial and temporal context. Behavioral Brain Research
This code assumes that a recent version of SPM is in your matlab path The full searchlight analysis uses Advanced normalization tools to perform non-rigid registraion. That can be installed here
Open up MPSExampleCode.m to get started.