We wanted to create a website that allowed a user to search for their favorite artist’s albums, songs, and upcoming events. In doing so, the user would be taken to external links that would allow him or her to explore the album, find lyrics to their favorite songs, or buy tickets to the next concert.
When a user loads the page, he or she has the option to navigate to an album search page, song search page, or upcoming events search page.
When the user searches with an artist's name on the album page, he or she will receive a list of the artist's top albums, songs, or upcoming concerts depending on the page eh or she is searching from.
When the user searches for an artist on the album page, that artist's albums and album coverse will appear.
When the user clicks on the album title, he or she is taken to a page that includes a preview of the album's songs, and lyrics to the song that is being previewed.
When the user searhes for an artist on the song page, that artist's top songs will appear.
When the user searches for an artist on the events page, that artist's upcoming events will be displayed in chronological order with links to buy tickets.
Throughout this project, we used various aspects and elements of Bootstrap, Moment, server-side API's, Google Fonts, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and JQuery.
GitHub Repository: https://github.com/colinmchale/ProjectforHackers
GitHub Pages: https://colinmchale.github.io/ProjectforHackers/