The TMC-API is a portable C library for working with Trinamic ICs in embedded projects. It is CPU-independent and self-contained (no external dependencies).
The TMC-API allows easy access to the registers of Trinamic ICs. It provides definitions for all IC registers and their bitfields.
To set up your project to use the TMC-API, simply copy the source files you need:
- tmc/helpers/ contains helper files needed by all other TMC-API source files. Always copy this folder.
- tmc/ic/ contains all the files for different ICs. For each IC you want to use, copy the corresponding folder.
- tmc/ramp/ contains simple software linear ramp functions that can be used in applications. Copy them if needed by your project.
For a reference usage of the TMC-API, visit the TMC-Evalsystem
To use the TMC-API, perform the following steps in your code:
- Implement the tmcXXXX_readWriteArray() function in in your code. This function provides the necessary hardware access to the TMC-API.
- Call tmcXXXX_init() once for each Trinamic IC in your design. This function initializes an IC object which represents one physical IC.
- Call tmcXXXX_periodicJob() periodically. Pass a millisecond timestamp as the tick parameter.
- After initializing, calling tmcXXXX_reset() or tmcXXXX_restore(), the TMC-API will write multiple registers to the IC (referred to as IC configuration). Per call to tmcXXXX_periodicJob(), one register will be written until IC configuration is completed.
- Once the IC configuration is completed, you can use tmcXXXX_readInt() and tmcXXXX_writeInt() to read and write registers.
Version 3.06: (Beta)
- Full TMC2160 support
- Begin TMC7531 support
- Begin TMC4672 support
- Begin TMC2590 support
- Added new software ramp generator (linear)
- TMC2041 fixed missing register fields
- Various bugfixes
- Internal optimizations
Version 3.05: (Released)