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Greg Swindle edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

Business archetypes logo

Table of contents ⍟ commonality/archetypes

1. Business context and purpose

Quote A business archetype is a primordial thing that occurs consistently and universally in business domains and business software systems.

Arlow & Neustadt, Enterprise patterns and MDA: building better software with archetype patterns and UML, 2006, p. 5

2. Model-driven OpenAPIs

archetypes establish an open, vendor-neutral approach to software development. archetypes define business archetypes expressed as models in structured specifications called OpenAPI/Swagger Specs. OpenAPI/Swagger Specs benefit business software by providing:

  1. A common vocabulary and operating framework for how People and Organizations engage in Orders, as well as managing these relationships as Customers (CRM).
  2. Executable documentation that articulates these models and how they interact.
  3. Open-source tools that automatically generate microservice "stubs" and client SDKs.

3. API microservices

Quote Microservices is an approach to application development in which a large application is built as a suite of modular services. Each module supports a specific business goal and uses a simple, well-defined interface to communicate with other sets of services.

What is microservices? - Definition from (n.d.). Retrieved August 29, 2017, from

API microservices When you see this image, microservice API information will follow.

3.1. Generating microservice stubs

Open-source tools like swagger-codegen generate microservice stubs based on OpenAPI/Swagger Specs.

3.2. Documenting microservices

Swagger-UIs consume OpenAPI/Swagger Specs and present business archetype models.

Try it:

View the Party archetype pattern in Swagger-UI.

4. API client SDKs

When you see the "API SDKs" image in the archetypes documentation, it means you're viewing information about API client SDKs that consume Web services.

API SDKs When you see this image, API client SDK information will follow.

4.1. Generating SDKs

4.1. Documenting SDKs

5. Organization of archetypes documents

Document titles are prefixed by type:

  • API: microservice and business model documentation
  • SDK: client software that consume microservices
  • Tools: development resources for Business Archetypes

Select a topic in the Pages menu on the left side of every page to learn more about the design, production, and consumption of Business Archetypes.

APIs and SDKs (v1.0.0)

  1. Party: an identifiable, addressable entity that may have a legal status and that normally has autonomous control over (at least some of) its actions.
  2. Money: represents an amount of a specific Currency.


  1. swagger-codegen: servers compared


  1. HTTP Status Codes
  2. MDA Guide rev. 2.0
  3. REST Tutorial

Product delivery roadmap

  1. Epics (all archetypes Projects)
  2. MVPs (all archetypes Milestones)
  3. Issues (all, open)
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