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Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. codecov R-CMD-check

scrobbler is an R package intended to help people download their scrobbles from and run an analysis on their listening history.

What on earth are scrobbles?

Scrobbling is a way of tracking the history of all the songs you listen to online or locally by using the service. While scrobbling originated as a way of recorded what you had listened to on the platform, scrobbling is now possible on a range of platforms such as Spotify, Youtube, iTunes, Soundcloud, and most other listening platforms. In all these cases, any scrobbles are still stored on's platform. If you use multiple services for listening to music, you can set up scrobbling on all of them, and use as the central hub of your entire listening history.

For example, if your a spotify user you can create a account, navigate to, and click the option to conncet your spotify account. Now, anytime you listen to music on spotify, the song, artist, album, and time will be recorded on

Why scrobbler?'s webpage is pretty good at providing you some summary statistics about what you've been listening to, and who your most played artists are. However, I wanted to be able to get the raw data to analyse myself. Unfortunately, does not provide any way for you to automatically download your scrobbles.

How to use scrobbler

Note as of version 0.2.15: scrobbler has recently undergone a major API change. In earlier versions there was an option to install a python script and run that to download your scrobbles. This option has been removed, and the only supported method is going via the API. The 'old' version is available as a github release.

You can download the latest version of scrobbler from CRAN with


Or grab the development version from github with


Setting up the API

In order to use' API you need to get an API key from This takes less than 5 mins, and can be done here

Once you have your key and username, you can start downloading your scrobbles

Downloading scrobbles

To make a dataframe of all your scrobbled tracks, simply call download_scrobbles using your username and API key.

my_data <- download_scrobbles(username = "your_username", api_key = "your_api_key")

Updating scrobbles

Once you have a lot of scrobbled tracks it can often take a long time to download them all. It would be a waste of time to have to re-download your entire history of scrobbles everytime you wanted to update.

To help with this, scrobbler provides the update_scrobbles function. This function takes a dataframe produced by download_scrobbles, and only fetches the tracks that have been scrobbled since you ran download_scrobbles.

my_updated_data <- update_scrobbles(my_data, 
                                    timestamp_column = 'unix_date',
                                    username = "your_username",
                                    api_key = "your_api_key")

unix_date is a column outputted by download_scrobbles. It tracks the timestamp of each song, and needs to be passed to update_scrobbles so it knows where to start getting new tracksr from.