JSON based file persistance engine for save using lodash _.where style find queries.
npm install save-json
var save = require('save') // npm install save
, saveJson = require('..')
// Create a save object and pass in a saveJson engine.
var contactStore = save('Contact', { engine: saveJson('contact.json') })
// Ensure the engine initialised correctly
if (!contactStore)
throw Error('Could not initiate json save') // Common cause is file creation issue
// Then we can create a new object.
contactStore.create({ name: 'James', email: 'jamesmortemore@gmail.com'}, function (error, contact) {
// The created 'contact' is returned and has been given an id
// Now check the contents of contact.json... magic!
// Lets find that object with a lodash _.where style query. Simple!
contactStore.findOne({ name: 'James' }, function (error, contact) {
// Will be the object created above
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