My dotfiles and scripts for hyprland and some other things I use.\
- Hyprland (obviously)
- waybar
- wofi
- swww (for wallpapers)
- wl-clipboard
- slurp and grim (screenshots and processing)
- Wezterm
- zsh
- I use alacritty as a fallback terminal
- xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland (for screen sharing and obs)
- wl-recorder (screen recording)
- hyprpicker (does what xprop does on xorg)
- gtklock if you want a lockscreen, but I'd suggest something else.
- Neovim
- Sayonara (qt based music player)
- qt5ct-svg-translucent from AUR (qt theme transparency)
- discord-screenaudio (only works with pipewire)
I use pipewire with wireplumber for sound.
Clone the repo into your $HOME folder
Change the monitor names in the hyprland config
Configure to your liking
- A vertical monitor (important)