Please use quiki instead, a more comprehensive wiki suite based on the wikifier concept.
wikifier is a file-based wiki engine.
@page.title: wikifier; Mitchell Cooper;;;
infobox {
image {
file: wikifier-logo.png;
Type: [[ Wiki engine | wp: Wiki software ]];
Established: February 2013;
Author: [[ Mitchell Cooper | ]];
Website: [[ wikifier on GitHub | ]];
sec {
wikifier is a wiki engine. It is unique because it is completely
file-based. There are no databases. Yet, it offers page caching, image
sizing, session management/authentication, and lots of other things that
fancy wikis use databases for.
history {
February 2013: The first commit of wikifier is published.;
December 2013: [[ wp: Nelson Mandela ]] passes away.;
February 2014: [[ wp: Ebola virus ]] spreads across West Africa.;
July 2015: [[ wp: NASA ]] takes a close-up photo of Pluto.;
sec [Components] {
wikifier is split up into several packages. They are listed below, with
each subsequent one built atop the previous.
sec [Wikifier] {
Responsible for parsing and other low-level functions. While typically
not used directly, this package provides the most basic implementation
of the wikifier language.
sec [Wikifier::Page] {
An object representing a single page. This package provides a
programming interface for working with a single wikifier page. The
included [c]wikifier[/c] executable uses this to read a page file and
output HTML.
sec [Wikifier::Wiki] {
A full wiki suite, capable of managing a diverse collection of content.
Features page categories, templates, image generation, revision
tracking, and much more. This package provides a programming interface
that can be used directly from a web server script, but running a
standalone wikiserver is preferred.
sec [Wikifier::Server] {
imagebox {
file: wikiserver-logo.png;
width: 200px;
desc: Wikifier::Server logo;
The included [c]wikiserver[/c] executable runs an instance of
Wikifier::Server. A single wikiserver can manage any number of wikis.
It monitors source files for changes and generates content immediately
as it is modified. The result is a faster page load time since the
content has been pregenerated.
wikiservers do not deliver the content directly to the user. Instead,
frontends connect to and communicate with them. These frontends, in
turn, make it possible to view and manage wikifier wikis from the web.
This makes it easy to incorporate wikifier into almost any web
server without having to use disgusting Perl HTTPd modules, and it
allows the wikiserver to perform scheduled operations independently of
the web server.
sec [Frontends] {
These frontends connect to a wikiserver and deliver content to end users.
sec [quiki] {
[[ quiki | ]] is a standalone web server
for wikifier. Because it is designed specifically for wikifier, it is by
far the easiest option to get a wiki up and running in a few simple
steps. It can be incorporated into an existing web environment using a
reverse proxy.
sec [adminifier] {
[[ adminifier | ]] is a web-based
administrative panel to manage wikifier wikis. It is written in PHP and
therefore runs on a variety of web servers.
sec [Interfaces] {
These programming interfaces can be used to incorporate wikifier into
other web servers.
list {
[[ go-wikiclient | ]] -
Go programming interface;
[[ php-wikiclient | ]] -
PHP programming interface;
quiki is currently the easiest way to get a wikifier wiki up and running.
wikifier dependencies can be installed with
cpanm GD Git::Wrapper HTTP::Date HTML::Strip HTML::Entities JSON::XS URI::Escape
- Language - wikifier language specification
- Configuration - wikifier configuration
- Blocks - wikifier built-in block types
- Models - wikifier templates
- Styling - wikifier + CSS
- Markdown - wikifier + Markdown
- Parsing - wikifier parsing stages
- Components - wikifier programming interfaces
- Page - Wikifier::Page API
- Wiki - Wikifier::Wiki API
- Commands - wikiserver commands
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