👋 Hello there! Welcome to my GitHub profile!
I'm André, a passionate full-stack developer with PHP, Laravel, VueJS, Livewire and TailwindCSS expertise. 🚀
🛠️ Here, you'll find a collection of projects showcasing my skills and love for creating dynamic and responsive web applications.
🌐 Currently, I'm diving deep into the world of front-end (VueJS, Livewire, TailwindCSS). I believe in continuous learning and am always looking for exciting new challenges.
🌱 I'm currently also studying Clean Code, Clean Architecture, and Node.js
👨💻 All of my studying projects are available further down
💬 Ask me about Laravel and VueJS
📫 Let's connect! Feel free to explore my projects, and open issues, and reach out for collaboration or discussions. Your feedback is valuable and appreciated.
Happy coding! 🚀
📫 How to reach me andrecopetti@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://www.linkedin.com/in/andré-copetti/