This repository contains the code and resources used for a project on land cover segmentation using deep learning techniques, particularly focusing on satellite imagery.
- Utilize state-of-the-art deep learning architectures for land cover segmentation.
- Merge and adjust datasets from and DeepGlobe to create a comprehensive training dataset.
- Address class imbalance and optimize training procedures for accurate segmentation.
- Compare the performance of different architectures, including U-Net with ResNet and DeepLabV3+.
- Conduct an ablation study to identify computationally efficient yet effective architectures.
The dataset provides manually annotated aerial imagery for land cover classification. It consists of two versions (v0 and v1), with version v1 introducing additional labels such as "road" for enhanced segmentation. Dataset Link
The DeepGlobe dataset offers diverse high-resolution satellite images for land cover classification. It complements the dataset, enriching the training data with varied and extensive annotations. Dataset Link
The code for this project draws inspiration from the following sources: