This project was created for the Digital Ocean Hackathon:
It is a Rails app that tracks your Article stats, and can create graphs of your views and commnets over time!
Click the button above to get started! Currently Digital Ocean only supports specifying a single service via the template. So this will create a web service and the required DB.
You will need to add a worker
service to run the DelayedJobs. The template file at .do/deploy.template.yaml
does have a workers section already filled out, both for reference and
in case Digital Ocean supports those in the future!
: Your API Token from
Optional (These can be removed from the wizard is desired):
: If this and the follow are provided, the site will ONLY be available over HTTP Basic AuthBASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD
: If this and the above are provided, the site will ONLY be available over HTTP Basic AuthRAILS_SENTRY_DSN
: The URL to send errors to Sentry
After getting the app deployed you will need to kick off the first DelayedJob to start fetching stats every 10 minutes. This first job will enqueue the next one to run, so this is only needed once during initial setup. The second job here will fetch your user information from the API, including the profile picture
In a rail console (bundle exec rails console
) run the following command:
Delayed::Job.enqueue FetchUserDetailsJob