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The operating system built for modern humans!

Why is this operating system important?

Well, it's not really; it's mostly just my hobby project. I do however, would like to implement some new features that are not currently available on modern operating systems yet.

Syscall Thoughts

I would like to make all syscalls have a corresponding async version as I feel that a lot of time could be saved if the kernel could chose when it would like to handle a program's calls. This would however cause problems on some programs, so there would still need to be sync syscalls.

I would also like to implement this thing called KernelPipe where its a buffer at which gets sent to the kernel. This can be useful for things like printing characters as running a syscall for each char is very slow. This is very noticeable when running large programs or compilers that output large strings of text at once. This way the kernel can respond to the incoming data everytime there is a task switch and we are already in kernel land. This could save many clock cycles per character printed.

I think it would be cool if the system would verify the state of all of its calls with safe rust.

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