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aldocs: alwaysdata documentation

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This documentation is generated using the Hugo static site generator.

An internal CI is responsible for building the documentation. A constantly up-to-date version based on the master branch is available at

Working on documentation

Update the content

Pages of documentation are located in the content directory. The folder tree represent the navigation structure. Pages are written in markdown, with a YAML or a TOML Front Matter for metadata.

Adding new pages

When adding new pages, please take care of the folder tree to stay consistent with the overall documents architecture.


Please keep in mind that:

  1. Default language is English (EN)
  2. The Documentation is available both in English (EN) and French (FR)
  3. If you do not precise the locale, then the page is considered to be in English

You should create both version when creating a new content:

$ hugo new path/to/
$ hugo new path/to/

⚠ Pay attention: all localized versions of a given page must have the same filename and must be in the same folder. You only have to update the extension to use the correct ISO locale (e.g. here above the extension becomes for the french version).

If you write a page that is not in english, you should add a url entry in the front headers to fill the localized page url.

Redacting content

Types of pages

When you create new pages, you should pass a [type][7] to start your page with a proper template, dedicated to the content you want to add.

$ hugo new --kind man new/section/
$ hugo new --kind man new/section/

Available types are:

  • readme: they only serve as introduction to a new section and should be used for _index.[ln].md files only
  • howto: step by step guide to explain a given action/task
  • man: concept page that explain ideas, concepts, and point to more details how-tos; they can be used for _index.[ln].md pages
  • faq: QnA sections related to a given domain; they should not appear in menu

Files organization

Files in the content folder are organized in branches and leaf bundles. Here's how you may keep your contents organized to stay consistent:

├── guides                                <-- A section
│   ├──                      <-- Section main page (aka chapter), en_US
│   └──                      <-- Section main page, fr_FR
├── marketplace
│   ├── admin-panel_1click_app.en.jpg     <-- Screenshot usable in the chapter, en_US
|   ├──     <-- Same screenshot, fr_FR version
|   ├── build-application-script          <-- A page (leaf) bundle
|   |   ├── images                        <-- Page images assets
│   │   │   ├── create-script.en.png      <-- Screenshot used in the page, en_US
|   |   |   └──      <-- Same screenshot, fr_FR version
│   │   ├──                   <-- Page bundle content, en_US
|   |   └──                   <-- Page bundle content, fr_FR
│   ├──      <-- A Page leaf unbundled, en_US
|   ├──      <-- Same Page leaf, fr_FR version
│   ├──                      <-- Section chapter page, en_US
|   └──                      <-- Section chpater page, fr_FR
├──                          <-- Documentation Homepage, en_US
└──                          <-- Documentation Homepage, fr_FR
  • Each Section should have a chapter page in the form of an _index.[ln].md page.
  • Pages (leafs) can be standalone (with a dedicated name), or bundled (in a named folder, and named index.[ln].md). You can bundle all pages if you want, but unless you need to add assets to the page, you can shortname them and avoid the leaf folder.
  • If you need to add assets to a page, you must bundle them, and place images in a images folder into the bundle.
  • If you need to add assets to a section page (aka chapter), you must put them at the same level as the branch page.

Files naming

Here's the conventions about files naming you have to follow:

  • All filenames are lowercase
  • Avoid whitespaces in the filenames, replace them with -
  • If you need to namespace your files (like, for images), use _ as a separator for namespaces (e.g. admin-panel_add-domain)
  • Chapter pages are named _index
  • Bundle pages are named index
  • Leaf pages can be named as you wish until you follow above rules
  • All filenames use a locale suffix, regardless of their type (e.g. or
  • Localized versions of a given page must have the same filename, with only the locale suffix changed

Available shortcodes

You can extend the commonmark (markdown) syntax by using shortcodes that will render custom HTML in your page.

Images: fig

To add page/bundle images into your pages, use the fig shortcode:

{{< fig "[url]" ("[desc]") >}}

The url parameter in mandatory and refer to the image path relatively to the markdown document. I.e. to include an image in the images folder of the page bundle, use the following syntax:

{{< fig "images/my-image.en.png" >}}

The second parameter contains a caption for the image an is optional.

The shortcode will render a <figure> HTML tag.

Permalinks: ref

To link to another page of the documentation, use the ref shortcode:

{{< ref "pagename" >}}

I.e. to link the Install an application page in the Marketplace section, use:

[Install an application]({{< ref "marketplace/install-an-application" >}})

The pagename parameter may be a folder (internally resolved as it index file) or a file, with or without extension, or locale suffix. The locale is detected automatically from the current page one.

Notices: notice [type]

If you need to embed some insert to highlight aside contents in your page (like a warning or a tip aside content), you can rely on the notice shortcode:

{{% notice warning %}}
Pay attention to this insert!
{{% /notice %}}

You've got four types available:

  • warning: red, for pay attention content
  • info: orange, useful to excerpt some alternative option
  • note: blue, for some extra but optional content
  • tip: green, for useful tips


Tables are formatted using the Github Flavored syntax:

| Header 1      | Header 2     | Header 3      |
| left aligned  | auto aligned | right aligned |
| 2nd line      | regular cell | regular cell  |
| 3rd line      | regular cell | regular cell  |
  • Inner cells must be surrounded with one space
  • Rows starts and end with a pipe |
  • Headers separator may indicate the column alignment with the colon : marker
  • Cells must be padded to ensure a consistent alignment with monospaced fonts (see example above)


You can rely on the [PHP Markdown Extra Footnotes syntax][10] to dynamically generate footnotes:

Hello World[^1]

[^1]: this is an associated footnote

Please note that the separator line and the anchor links are auto-generated.


Here's some conventions we use to write our documentation. Please stick to them.

  1. Variables in code samples should appear surrounded by brackets: mysql -u [username]
  2. Avoid the ~ character to indicated the home dir and prefer the $HOME version, more understandable
  3. Avoid the use of the ![]() markdown syntax for internal images, prefer the fig shortcode
  4. Restrain from using quotes > as they're often not relevant in technical documentation, esêcially if you want to highlight some content, prefer the notice shortcode
  5. Codeblocks should use the backtick notation ``` optionally followed by the syntax marker (e.g. python)
  6. Variables and inline command/code must be surrounded by backticks
  7. Emphasis is done by using one underscore surrounding; strong by using double stars sourrounding
  8. Avoid the use of HTML tags and markup in your content, Markdown is enough (i.e. no <br> nor <font> tags)
  9. We use the following names for replacement:
  • foo: for a lambda name, username, etc
  • bar: for a second one
  •,, for lambda domains

Front Matter

Pages must start with a Front Matter block,. it may be written in YAML (using a --- surrounding block marker) or in TOML (+++ block marker):

url = "/fr/applithèque/créer-son-script-d-application/"
title = "Créer son propre script d'application"
menuTitle = "Créer son propre script"
layout = "man"
weight = 5
hidden = true

The following fields are mandatory:

  • title: the page title
  • layout: the type of page. Possible values are man, howto, faq. Exception exists for chapter pages where you can avoid the layout field, and replace it with a chapter = true one

You can add more metadata to your pages in the Front Matter:

  • menuTitle: the page title in the navigation menu, default is the title value
  • weight: an index to sort entries in the navigation menu
  • hidden: does the page should appear in the navigation menu?
  • url: for non en_US (default language) pages, you should explicitely fill the url field to localize it. Do not forget the locale prefix (e.g. /fr/), and always add a final / at the end.

Please keep in mind to entirely remove the draft field when your page is ready to be published rather than putting it to false.


To add new tag(s) to a page, add a tags entry in the front headers:

title = "My Page"
tags = ["tag 1", "tag 2"]


You can add as many tag as you wish, but we should limit to 3 tags per page. Tags can be written with <spaces> in their name.

More documentation is available on Hugo doc.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CC BY-SA 4.0


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